Pre & Post Natal Pilates

Pre Natal Classes
In our regular small reformer classes, our instructors provide all the exercise modifications required for pre natal clients. They will help train your body for the demands of labour and keep body healthy and ready to recover quickly after birth, in a safe environment. Medical clearance is required.
Post Natal Classes
Sign up for a 6 x week pack of Post Natal Pilates classes which will be tailored specifically to strengthen your abdominals and pelvic floor and regain your core strength. These classes will also help improve your upper body strength and posture which will help in lifting and carrying your growing baby. These classes are a great way to improve energy levels, get to know other mums that are in the same boat and chat about your children! You are welcome to bring your babies to these classes. Medical clearance is required.
For more information please call Leanne on 0404 525 139